Saturday, June 18, 2011

Knowledge is power. ()

And therefore sources of knowledge are veritable wells of real-world experience points.

Never say I didn't make it interesting.

Anyway, during my day-in, day-out Japanese study extravaganza, I am discovering more and more how very helpful being interested  in many different facets of Japanese culture (classical and pop) can be for one's vocabulary.

Even when it comes to high-level JLPT stuff. Who knew, right?

Thus, as a way to escape from studying amuse you dear readers, I thought I'd make a list of the more notable/useful/surprising bits of vocab I've gained on my travels through Japanese culture.

Number 1: 嘘がばれた - get caught in a lie
Source: Daily conversation/modern slang

Number 2: ~たて - just (finished/completed/done) ~; i.e. できたて, just finished
Source: 焼き立てジャパン!!

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