Ok, while the title may be a sort of tangential reference to an R.E.M. song, that's not exactly the angle I'm going for.
Bear with me.
Do you ever get a song in your head whose company you actually enjoy? A song that plays over and over at the back of your brain... a song that you sing at the top of your lungs in the shower, and play (on repeat) with your music device of choice at every opportunity for days and days at a time with nary an end in sight?
I have one of those songs. In my head, that is.
Songs, after all, are powerful things. According to Neil Gaiman (who we should really trust on these matters), "the right song can turn an emperor into a laughingstock, can bring down dynasties."
Admittedly, this song doesn't really do much other than make me happy.
But really, that's enough.
The title is この世の限り (Kono yo no kagiri, The End of The World), hence the title of the blog post. Ah, there is a method to my madness. Strange title for such a happy song, but hey. Juxtaposition is the very spice of life!
...Yea. Anyway, it's the song that plays over the end credits of Sakuran (trailer here, since I'm nice that way... and don't want to bother with a movie review at this particular time and place despite the fact that I love both this movie and its star 土屋アンナ [Tsuchiya Anna])... and I haven't decided yet whether it's fitting on a truly deep and profound level, or it was just the one song on the album that didn't match the mood of any scene within the movie and thus got relegated to credit duty.
Because, after all, the soundtrack is 椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo)'s album, 平成風俗 (Heisei Fuuzoku, Heisei Customs), and thus I can't help but feel that there might have been some leeway when it came to the credits.
The album is, however, undoubtedly very fitting elsewhere.
This song. I love it. The end.
(Also, I really like the way the video was done. It's simplistic, cute, and imaginative.)
This is Edo, wondering if making blog posts will turn out to be the long sought-after cure to song-in-your-head-itis. (German has a word for this, why don't we? I can't believe that "earworm" is really the best we can do.)
6 days ago
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