Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wait just a minute. (ちょっと待ってよ。)

WARNING: This post is... well, pretty much entirely composed of things that only interest, say, maybe 20% of my audience.

And that's only provided that I'm actually attracting the people I think I am. Who knows how big a grain of salt that needs.

Oh, and it also demonstrates just how whiny, entitled, selfish, and horribly self-important I can be when pushed.

(But doesn't maintaining a personal blog and expecting people to read it, in general, do all of that regardless...?)

Anyway, consider yourself sufficiently warned.


I had planned to make my first post this week about the amazing Takarazuka (宝塚) performance I saw yesterday... but now, now that has to wait.

Because of what I consider to be sheer and utter... foolishness.

Honestly, you leave your favorite band alone for a few months, just a few months...

And then this happens.

Oh, you know what I'm talking about.

This. This nonsense right here.

Long, short, blonde, black, magenta, I don't care.

But shaving it off and then dressing yourself as a B-boy, complete with ridiculous fluffy jacket and pants that don't seem to fulfill that whole bum-covering requirement? 

What, has it suddenly dawned upon you that your life simply will not be complete until you become the fiftieth member of EXILE?

Somehow, I doubt they'll appreciate your skills, sweetheart. I just can't picture your vocals quite fitting into their line-up. Also, they probably can't read your kanji.

This new single you're releasing today (which, might I add, is the first in over a year) better be some seriously amazing music. I expect myself to think, "good lord, all that hair was holding him back all these years! Clearly, now that he has streamlined his head for maximum vocal capacity, I can truly appreciate his talents!"

But really. You already had talent, creativity, more emotion than fifty other rock-stars combined into one (even if half of them were engaging in some sort of substance abuse at the time their powers combined) and a truly incredible range that could go from heart-wrenching to gut-wrenching in two seconds flat. 

What more can you want, really?

With this new look, the first idea that comes to mind, honestly, is "coordinated dancing ability."

Come on, guys. You were my favorites. I stood in line, in February, for 27 hours for you. Don't give it up to BUCK-TICK so easily.  

Heck, lately, even these young whipper-snappers are giving you a run for your money. 

And he smiled during their live. And flirted

(This one is for my two devoted readers who have softer tastes than I do. And, you know, whoever else'd like to take a listen. See what a good blogger I am?)




I promise I'll get back to my non-fan-bitching regularly scheduled blog content in the next post.

But. You know.

Sometimes, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Even if it's just expressing how shocked and appalled she is.

This is Edo, signing off waiting for that single and expecting gold, baby.

EDIT- Ok, ok. I admit.

I got my gold.

Not to mention the fact that the two non-new songs are sufficiently remixed to satisfy my cravings for as-of-yet unheard Dir.

Consider my faith restored.

But I'm going to pretend that you had long blonde hair while singing it, 京. It'll be easier on both of us that way.

... oh, and guys? Cut back on the smoking, eh? You're starting to look older than BUCK-TICK, and they've got 10+ years on you, most of it actively touring.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I am not dead yet. (まだ死んでないぞ。)

... I get the strangest feeling I've used that title before.

Regardless, it does bring my total Monty Python count up to three.

... or does it not count if I am, in fact, recycling?

Oh well.

Unfortunately, I come, once again, not with anything of substance, but instead with a bit of a triviality to amuse you all until I can bring myself to actually write a legitimate post.

... ok, triviality may be an understatement. This is important to me, at any rate.

Behold, my favorite song of the moment (which does indeed need that qualifier since it's dangerous to be too rash with such bold statements as that):


The video may not be for the faint of heart, as I know that cyber-punk and straight jackets are not everyone's cup of tea (though in this case, they are mine... oh, baby), but the song is certainly a crowd pleaser.

And yes, this is how Melon and I spend our Saturday Sunday nights in Kyoto, why do you ask?

We're in the fan club for a reason, you know.

This is Edo, signing off with this song happily fixed in her brain for the foreseeable future.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Back again, back again... (戻ってきた、戻ってきた。。。)

Jiggity jigg.

... you know, as they say.

I don't actually have a real post to satisfy you, my devoted readers... but at the same time I did not want to leave you out in the cold, wondering whether or not I had perished somewhere over the vast Pacific.

So, please enjoy this video in the interim between random idea dumps ethereal outpourings of thoughts and beauty.

It never fails to make me smile.

This is Edo, signing off wondering when her truly strange jet lag will finally wear off.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back again, back again...

Jiggity jig, as they say.

As I am currently not sure where my home is, exactly, I thought I would stick with the more ambiguous terminology above. I hope you don't mind.

And if you do?

...well, can't say I much care. So there.




Or rather, あけおめ as all the cool kids are saying nowadays. I love lazy slang.

Anyway, as a New Year's present, I thought that I would relive my journey home and back for you, my dear, hungry for info readers.

Because hey, airports are fun, right?

1) Tsu Airport Line

Why they call the high-speed ferry that runs between Tsu, Centrair, AND Matsusaka the Tsu Airport line baffles me. I find it a little insulting, but hey.

Maybe they paid for it.

Regardless, this is the ferry you have to take to get to the airport if you live in Mie... unless you want to go the long way and take the train all the way around through Nagoya.

Though technically, if you live in Yokkaichi, that might be faster.

Regardless, for those of us down here, it's ferry or bust. Expensive? Yes. Convenient? Also yes. Fun? Totally.

...your mileage may vary on that last one.

I love boats.
